When friendships happen in a NEW YORK minute!
I just want to start this post by saying, Happy Birthday Michael!! If you don't know who Michael is, you either don't read my blog, at all, or you've been living under a rock. JK! Michael is the founder of globalgarcon.net, a menswear/ beauty blog originally from Banff but now based in Toronto.
In case your curious, Michael and I met on good ol' Instagram! He showed up to an event I was hosting and we hit it off right away. It feels like we've been friends for an eternity but it was only two years ago. Since then, we've been through more ups than downs but we can both agree that we'll be friends for many years to come. We've been to Banff, NY and Montreal together and our travel list for 2017 is growing by the minute! I'm excited to see where our blogging journey will take us and I have to say that I'm so grateful, thankful and blessed *cough*, cheezy I know, to have such an incredible friend in my life! Happy bday Michael!

Photography by Michael Biro.
Shot in SoHo, New York.
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