Like fine wine and hard to find limited edition Chanel bags, somethings just get better with age and yes, coffee is one of them. That's right, add vintage coffee to your favourites list because I promise, this one is all sorts of next-level-amazing.
If you're like me, you'll have to leave the non-dairy creamer in the fridge because Nespresso's very limited Selection Vintage 2014 roast, 3 year aged beans, (available for both VertuoLine and Original Line) is best enjoyed black. I normally prefer a level 3-4 (light roast) and the Vintage 2014 is a level 7 (medium to dark roast) but because it has such a smooth taste, I don't miss the almond milk one bit. You don't need to dilute the flavour and you wouldn't want to either. Coffee connoisseurs will hate me for saying this but the Vintage 2014 almost has a chocolatey taste. I'm not too far off because the aromatic profile is described as a "complex taste with elegant woodiness and soft fruity notes".
Like a fine wine, this coffee is perfect for pairing with a slice of chocolate cake or aged cheddar. If you ask me, it would have to be with cake.
Let me summarize Vintage 2014 for you in the best, most honest way I can:
This coffee is like a treat you keep in the back of your cupboard where your significant other won't find it and you can have all of it to yourself. It's like a treat that you save for last and don't share with the guests. (Sorry mom!) And if you like them as much as I do, you're going to have to stock up before they're gone because when Nespresso says limited edition, they mean it.
Nespresso Selection Vintage 2014 is a complex taste with elegant woodiness and soft fruity notes.